(Daily360.com) – Tensions between farmers in Europe and their governments have been boiling over in recent weeks and no place is more on the edge of a conflict than France. French farmers have had their large farm equipment stationed in and around cities for a couple of weeks in formal protest against what they see as government over-regulation. The majority of their issues stem from the government’s ever-growing climate-based regulations and taxes.
Farmers say the large taxes placed on diesel fuel caused by environmental regulations is one of the core issues behind the protest. The agricultural leaders promise that they will soon blockade several areas and lead a “siege” of Paris. The group says they want their demands met but so far conversations with the government have left them feeling underwhelmed.
The new French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal traveled to a farm in Indre-et-Loire, to try and calm the tensions on January 28th. Attel said he understands that the farmers have been overburdened by government regulations but believes their impression that farmers are now pitted in opposition to environment regulations is wrong. The prime minister told the media that he’d made some concessions to the group but admitted he’s not yet gotten to what is the core of the farmer’s anger.
Union leaders from the agricultural side say they believe the government promises are weak and unimpressive. As a result they may launch the proposed siege as early as January 30th. Arnaud Rousseau, the head of the FNSEA farmer’s union told local media that he advised his members to rest up for what might lay ahead. He describes the coming action as “full of dangers” but necessary for them to have any chance of surviving the stifling government.
The European Union is the body that institutes a large number of regulations on these farmers and others. As a result, many farmers from countries like the Netherlands and Germany have similarly taken their numbers and equipment into cities to protest their governments.
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