(Daily360.com) – Pete Buttigieg, the Transportation Secretary for the Biden administration, was booed by leftist activists at a campus speech last week. The former presidential candidate was speaking at Michigan State University (MSU) when activists stormed the stage chanting “Petrol Pete” and tried to unfurl a large sign but were unable to do so before MSU police ushered them away.
One person was arrested by MSU police. It’s not known if the arrested man was part of the group that went on stage but it is known that the individual was charged with disorderly assemblages and conduct. Those charges can carry a sentence of 90 days in jail and a possible $100 fine. MSU did say the man was not affiliated with the university in any way.
The protest was organized by a group calling itself Climate Defiance. The group posted to their Twitter account that they were aiming to “shut down” Buttigieg’s remarks. They further promised to make him “flee,” “scamper,” and “QUAKE,” and they wrote that their actions would not be kind but would be necessary. The group ended the tweet with “buckle up.” The total number of people on stage was about six to eight and most left peacefully when instructed by MSU police.
Buttigieg was visiting the school as part of the Biden administration’s promotion of recent infrastructure investments. In addition to the protestors that disrupted Buttigieg, there were several dozen more outside the event picketing.
Climate Defiance has targeted Buttigieg in the past. Last October the group stormed the stage during the secretary’s speech in Texas. During that event they were able to unfurl a sign that read “Petrol Pete.” Buttigieg responded at that event by saying he “respected” the group’s message just before security escorted them off stage.
Buttigieg would seem to be an odd person to target for this group since he is also an opponent of oil and gas. Buttigieg has on several occasions voiced support for the very cumbersome ‘Green New Deal’ proposed by numerous Democrat politicians.
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