Sheila Jackson Lee’s Campaign Fallout

( – Texas Democrat House Representative Shiela Jackson Lee has a long history of being known as one of the “meanest” members of the House and a newly released recording seems to validate the reputation. The audio recording making the rounds on social media features an irate Jackson Lee asking a member of her staff about the details of a document he received.

Jackson Lee asks the staffer what the date was on the paper relating to “Duncantell,” the staffer responds that he doesn’t know and will find out from a another staffer who is now in possession of it. Duncantell, refers to Ovide Duncantell, the founder of the Black Heritage Society who died in 2018, at 82 years old. When the staffer doesn’t immediately have the answer, Jackson Lee loses her temper and goes into a long expletive-filled tirade.

She castigates the staffer saying he doesn’t have a “f**king brain”, and that if he were competent, he would have read the paper and been able to recite the date for her. Throughout the rant she reminds the staffer that she is to be addressed as “Congresswoman” prior to giving her anything she asks for.

Jackson Lee continues to insult the man and then begins to insult the other staffer called ‘Jerome’ who was given the document but was not present. She calls him stupid and incompetent as well. As she becomes more emotional she starts to complain about the incompetence of her entire staff.

The 73-year-old Jackson Lee received Hillary Clinton’s endorsement last week for yet another congressional term, Jackson Lee has been serving in the House for 28 years. In 2011, the Daily Caller ran a story citing multiple Jackson Lee staffers complaining about constant insults, name calling and especially long work hours they endured from the Congresswoman.

In 2019, Jackson Lee was forced to step down as chair of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (CBCF) when it was discovered that she fired a staffer who alleged that her supervisor raped her. Text messages from CBCF executives to Jackson Lee were revealed and appeared to show a retaliation plot to a lawsuit the alleged rape victim was planning to bring.

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