Trump Suggests Serving 3 Terms During NRA Convention

( Donald Trump addressed a crowd at the NRA convention and asked the people whether he should serve two terms or three terms. Members of the audience shouted out “three.” Trump made reference to Franklin D. Roosevelt who served four terms for a total of 16 years as president. The 22nd amendment to the constitution was ratified in 1951, which limits a president to only two terms.

Democratic Party supporters have frequently jumped on Trump’s words to claim that the former president is interested in becoming a dictator. Rachel Maddow, an MSNBC host, previously stated that Trump may stay in office for life if he is re-elected. Trump also has made comments about being a dictator on his first day in office as a way to ensure the border gets closed and domestic drilling projects are authorized.

The Biden campaign has responded to Trump’s dictator claim to say he will use the military against American citizens and people who oppose him. Trump said in an interview with Time Magazine that he has no intention of overturning the 22nd amendment. He intends to serve four years and do the best that he can.

Trump’s statement that he doesn’t intend to seek a third term implies that his statement at the NRA was made in jest. An MSNBC article points to multiple speeches over the years in which Trump has advocated for serving more years than the eight that is allowed by the constitution. CNN analyst Daniel Dale said the tone of Trump’s assertion changed, indicating that he is not joking around.

In an Arizona speech, Trump said he should get a re-do of four years because his campaign was spied on. In another speech he referenced the Russian scandal as wasting two years of his first term. He stated he should be entitled to a six year term to recoup those two years that he will never get back. Dale said Trump is giving a reason to support his assertion that he should serve more than two terms as president.

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