(Daily360.com) – The United States military is reporting that they thwarted an Iraqi drone attack aimed at American forces on the ground. U.S. officials report that they “intercepted” and downed two one-way drones before they could strike their intended targets. The target they were headed toward was the Al Asad Air Base, where U.S. troops, officials and personnel are located.
Hostilities have been increasing within Iraq since fighting broke out between Israel and Hamas. Earlier in the week, Iraqis burned Israeli flags, photos of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and Joe Biden, as a show of support for Gaza Palestinians. United States officials, as well as their global allies, have serious concern that prolonged fighting could expand to larger areas and grow Middle Eastern hostilities further.
The drone strike was launched hours after reports that an Israeli strike destroyed a hospital in Gaza, killing hundreds. Since the initial reports broke, Israeli officials denied any involvement and point the finger at a failed Hamas attack. Video of the incident released to social media seemed to show the missile was launched from Gaza and hit the hospital’s parking lot.
Iran has been threatening that should Israel continue to invade Gaza they are prepared to take action against the Jewish state. Joe Biden flew from Washington DC, to Israel on Wednesday and met with Netanyahu. He was scheduled to meet with leaders from Jordan, Egypt and the Palestinian Authority after he left Israel but they canceled the meeting prior to his arrival in the hemisphere. Critics are pointing to the cancelation as a sign that Biden lacks standing and respect among world leaders.
Many were surprised that while abroad, Biden never mentioned the American hostages being held by Hamas. Their release was not part of the arrangements for turning the water back on for the region or for the newly announced $100 million in Gaza aid. Biden was asked about the hostages aboard Air Force One during his return flight to the United States and seemed a bit flustered before meekly saying “we’re gonna get people out.” Biden then said he wouldn’t get into detail at that time. Biden was then ushered away from reporters by press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre who told reporters to “wrap up” and no more questions were asked.
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