(Daily360.com) President Joe Biden has banned the sale of antivirus software that is made by a Russian company named Kasperskys Labs.
The reason for the move is for issues of national security and concerns that the software could be used to obtain information in order to aid the Russian government. On July 20, 2024, it will be illegal for individuals and companies in the U.S. to make transactions through Kaspersky products. On September 29, more restrictions will be placed upon the country to prevent their products from being used in the U.S.
Gina Raimondo, the Secretary of Commerce, described the concerns regarding use of Kaspersky software in the U.S. She said the Russian government has often exploited companies to collect private U.S. data that they use to “weaponize” for their own purposes. This kind of threat by the government of Russia endangers America’s national security.
The move is intended to minimize threats of espionage from foreign adversaries. There are several U.S. companies that rely on the malware software, which is why the ban has a gradual phase-out to allow companies to find alternative products before the ban comes into full effect in the fall.
Kaspersky issued a statement regarding the ban and denies that they have any involvement with the Russian government or any other foreign government. The company said they do not engage in any activity that would be considered a threat to U.S. national security. The company claims that they use unprecedented cybersecurity measures that should prove Kasperky is trustworthy.
The company stated that the effect of the ban will be increased cybercrime and the infringement upon consumers’ freedom. Meanwhile, a representative for the company said the banning of their products in the U.S. is “unjustified and baseless.”
The Bureau of Industry and Security said the company is under the jurisdiction of the Russian government. They also said that the software is capable of installing malware.
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